
Look Them In The Eyes

HM Government

Nothing moves faster than a pandemic. And Look Them In the Eyes was created at breakneck speed. We shot real patients and real nurses who looked you in the eyes and pleaded with you to stay at home during the Covid-19 crisis.

But this was part of something much much bigger. It was part of the biggest UK comms campaign since World War 2. Everything we did was super important. Super complex. And super fast.

We set up a crack team, an operation that ran 24/7, and handled 14 significant campaigns and over 200 mini-briefs, producing over 2,600 assets in eight languages to drive behaviour change and ultimately, save lives. The campaign’s success hinged on innovative sprint-based creative processes and real-time message selection, which enabled rapid and high-quality execution. 

And it worked.

The Big Idea

Make people face the damage they could cause if they don’t stay at home by forcing them to face those they are impacting.

The Cultural Impact

Look Them in the Eyes achieved significant results, including a 64% decline in public transport usage, up to 90% campaign recognition, and the UK Covid-19 app becoming the most downloaded globally.

Overall, the campaign generated over 20.8 billion impressions and 91.8 million clicks, significantly impacting public behaviour and health outcomes.

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